Safety audit-Risk Assessment sets the acceptable levels for practices and procedures in the workplace. Safety audit provide for regular checks to ensure that acceptable levels of risk are being met and to identify new or emergin risks which are then subject to risk assessment.
Investigation of Specific Instances-where an injury or potential injury event occurs, the specific event is investigated to identify whether the event is a new or already identified hazard, whether it is a feature of the programmed safety audit. A detailed investigation is undertaken to determine reasons for the event, the urgency of action required to prevent reoccurrence and the ongoing management of the procedures, processes and actions in the work environment which precipitated the event.
Safety audit-is checking the procedures or operation to make sure everything goes smoothly: an investigation is when an incident has occurred and it is reviewed to discover why it occurred and what cause the problem happen.

A well conducted safety audit provides a host of tangible and intangible benefits, including:

  • The identification and elimination of safety hazards
  • Improvement of employee morale
  • Development of a dynamic record of safety performance
  • Creation of positive cycle of safety improvement
  • Improvement of management awareness of problems
  • Enhancement of employee / employer relations
  • Insuring compliance with federal, state, local, and industry safety related work practices
  • Prevention of accidents
  • When properly conducted, an audit can help to identify and correct regulatory deficiencies, which, in turn, can improve workplace safety and help reduce liability.
  • Audits can serve to increase employee awareness and understanding of environmental and safety regulations, and the audit process can also be an opportunity to demonstrate your company’s commitment to compliance.

Workplace audits may be viewed favorably by regulatory agencies. A thoroughly completed audit with proper follow-up can signal that your company is making a good-faith effort to comply with applicable regulatory requirements